Origin of VRCC VRCC established VRCC founding team The Second Executive Council Meeting of the China Flag Research Center Successfully bid for the 30th ICV in 2023 Chairman's speech
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The speech of founding chairman


       In 2013, Lin Dong, a British Chinese, contacted me through the Chinaflag website. He suggested that I attend the International Congress of Vexillology (ICV) and bid for the congress. 

       In 2015, Dr. Han Buxin and I went to the Netherlands from Beijing to attend the 25th International Congress of Vexillology. In the Netherlands, we got to know Dr. Fei Xing and his wife Ms. Li Linna, who came from Guangzhou to attend the congress. After that, Dr. Fei Xing, Ms. Li Linna and I attended the Sydney ICV in 2015, London ICV in 2017, the NAVA meeting in New Orleans in 2014 and in Boston in 2017. 

       After years of deliberation and with the support of the SILK-ROAD PLANNING RESEARCH CENTER and Chinese vexillology scholars, I established the Vexillology Research Center of China in Beijing on March 23, 2019. With the aim of ‘studying flag science, spreading flag culture, implementing international exchange, and sharing the achievement of civilization’, the center is committed to the research, dissemination and international exchange of Chinese vexillology. In addition, the center is also actively biding for the 30th International Congress of Vexillology to be held in Beijing.

       I hope to invite more like-minded Chinese and foreign friends to support our work and join our team. Our goal is to let Chinese people know more about the development of international vexillology and let Chinese vexillology enrich the connotation of international vexillology. Let Chinese people know more about the development of international vexillology.

Vexillological Research Center China Managing Director Zhao Xinfeng


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