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The Founding Conference of Flag Research Centre of China

& The First Chinese Vexillological Seminar was held in Beijing


In order to bid for the Thirtieth International Congress of Vexillology to be held in Beijing in 2023, promote Chinese vexillological studies, lead flag research of new era in China and strengthen communication between international vexillological associations, after so many years preparation, with the support of relevant domestic leaders and scholars, the founder of Chinese Flag Website— Zhao Xinfeng initiated and successfully organized The Founding Conference of Flag Research Centre of China & The First Chinese Vexillological Seminar on March 23,2019.


Special delegate Liu Jian (grandson of the Chinese general Zhu De, members of The National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference), Jiang Zhigang (Deputy Director of the Silk Road Planning Research Center), Shen Yizhen (Associate Researcher of Silk Road Planning Research Center, Ph.D), Zhao Xinfeng (Presenter at the 25th-27th ICV) Li Yukun (Proposer of “Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Flag”, Representative of the 7th, 8th and 9th National People's Congress, the 10th and 11th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee, the President of the Jiangsu Provincial Flag Research Association), Ji Ruxun (China National Museum Researcher, Flag Cultural Relics Researcher), Fei Xing(Ph.D. in History, lecturer of Shaanxi Normal University and Guangzhou University, Overseas Member of the North American Flag Association (NAVA), Presenter at the 25th-27th ICV), Wang Renfu (Historical scholar, Former librarian & researcher of Library of Baicheng Normal University, Honorary president of The Tang Hongyu well carved stone Research Association), Huang Danshu (Member of the National Revolutionary Committee,  Flag making expert, Director of the Tongli National Flag Factory of Jiangsu Province), Liu Jin (Office manager of the Beijing Xinfeng Flag Culture Communication Center), Sun Qianya (the Chief Producer of the documentary column "Cultural China"), Li Linna (former Curator of the Western Han Dynasty Nanyue Wang Museum, accompanied by the representatives of the 25th, 26th and 27th ICV), Lu Jiaguo (Deputy Secretary-General of the Suzhou Traditional Culture Research Association) attended the meeting.



The seminar lasted for one day and was hosted by Zhao Xinfeng. In the morning, Ji Ruxun, Huang Danqi, Sun Qianya and Li Linna made presentations from their respective fields. The representative Wang Renfu, who is nearly 80 years old, returned the train ticket because of the heavy snow in Jilin. However, he shared his research results with the participants by video connection and expressed his willingness to donate his flag historic books to the Chinese Center of Vexillological Studies. Representative Jiang Xiezhu (former Deputy Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, former director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Honorary Director of the Flag law and Flag knowledge Shenzhouxing activities, Editor-in-chief of the "People's Republic of China Standard Lifting Time"), was unable to attend due to temporary activities but he wrote a congratulatory letter to Zhao Xinfeng.


In the afternoon, Li Yukun made a speech. He said that the seminar filled the gap in the domestic study of vexillology. After the establishment of the Chinese Center of Vexillological Studies, there was still a long way to go. The academic research of the flag was wide-ranging and the task was heavy. He stressed that academic and humanities studies should be based on rescuing cultural heritage perspective.


Special representative Liu Jian said in his speech that vexillological studies cover aspects of history, archaeology, military, ceremonies, culture, and folk customs. It is of historical significance to initiate the study of vexillological studies in China. China must have a place in the world of vexillological society. This is also the goal of the study of vexillological studies.


The professor Fei xing introduced the International Congress of Vexillology and vexillological associations in the world. He also introduced his experience at the International Congress of Vexillology. He believed that vexillological studies ushered in a good opportunity for great development, vexillological institutions of China must establish academic links with national flag organizations as soon as possible.


Zhao Xinfeng reviewed the history of Chinese vexillological culture, expounded the background of the founding of Flag Research Centre of China, and reported on the progress of the 30th International Congress of Vexillology in Beijing in 2023, and emphasized the difference between the Flag Research Centre of China and Xinfeng Flag Center and the Chinese Flag Website in terms of purpose and work. Xinfeng Flag Center and the Chinese Flag Website focus on patriotism education, red education, and socialist core values education. They are the leading institutions for Chinese flag education. The newly established Flag Research Centre pays more attention on academic research and international communication. He hopes that delegates can widely publicize and attract more experts, scholars and enthusiasts from other flag research institutions to join the research center in order to win the bid to host the 30th International Congress of Vexillology to be held in Beijing.


After the seminar, the conference elected the leading members of the Flag Research Centre of China. Li Yukun served as the honorary chairman of the Flag Research Centre of China, Zhao Xinfeng served as the director of the board, and Jiang Xiezhu and Fei Xing as the vice director.



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