Origin of VRCC VRCC established VRCC founding team The Second Executive Council Meeting of the China Flag Research Center Successfully bid for the 30th ICV in 2023 Chairman's speech
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Flag Research Center of China


Time of establishment: March23, 2019

Venue of establishment: Beijing


Honorary chairman: Li Yukun.


Proposer of “Law of the People's Republic of China on the National Flag”, Representative of the 7th, 8th and 9th National People's Congress, the 10th and 11th Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee, the President of the Jiangsu Provincial Flag Research Association.


Managing Director: Zhao Xinfeng


The founder of Chinese Flag Website and Flag Research Center of China; Presenter at the 25th-27th ICV; General Instructor of national school flag raider.


Deputy Managing Director:

Jiang Xiezhu:


Former Deputy Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Former director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Honorary Director of the Flag law and Flag knowledge Shenzhouxing activities, Editor-in-chief of the "People's Republic of China Standard Lifting Time".


Fei Xing:


Ph.D. in History, Lecturer of Shaanxi Normal University and Guangzhou University, Overseas Member of the North American Flag Association (NAVA).


Executive Directors:


Ji Ruxun : China National Museum Researcher, Flag Cultural Relics Researcher.


Huang Danshu: Member of the National Revolutionary Committee, Flag making expert, Director of the Tongli National Flag Factory of Jiangsu Province.


Sun Qianya: The Chief Producer of the documentary column "Cultural China".




Wang Renfu: Historical scholar, Former librarian & researcher of Library of Baicheng Normal University, Honorary president of The Tang Hongyu well carved stone Research Association.


Li Linna: Former Curator of the Western Han Dynasty Nanyue Wang Museum.

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