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Replace the non-standard national flag to welcome the new year of 2022

       The newly revised "National Flag Law of the People's Republic of China" promulgated by President Xi Jinping's signing of Presidential Decree No. 59 will come into force on January 1, 2021. After the implementation of the new national flag law, relevant units carried out a series of publicity and training activities, which received very good results. However, there are still some units that are still flying irregular national flags, and some units have not replaced their flags in time after they are damaged. Article 19 of the National Flag Law stipulates that a damaged, defaced, faded or substandard national flag shall not be hoisted or used, and the national flag shall not be hoisted or used upside down, or in any other way that damages the dignity of the national flag.





      Farewell to 2021, Shenzhou Dadi will usher in a new journey in the new year of 2022. The National Flag Law stipulates that on important festivals and anniversaries such as National Day, International Labor Day, New Year's Day, Spring Festival, and the National Constitution Day, state organs at all levels, people's organizations, and public venues such as large squares and parks shall raise the national flag; , Villagers' committees, residents' committees, and residents' courtyards (buildings, communities) should hoist the national flag if conditions permit.

      We hope that all units will check whether the national flags raised by their units are standard and damaged in accordance with the requirements of the National Flag Law, and replace the new national flags on New Year's Day to welcome the 2022 New Year. It is also hoped that the flag-raising ceremonies of schools in various places will take up the responsibility of publicizing the national flag law while standardizing the flag-raising ceremony of each school, persuade the behavior of non-standard flying of the national flag, and add glory to the five-star red flag with practical actions.


Zhao Xinfeng 

December 31, 2021 Beijing


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