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Suggestion: It is not advisable to raise and hang the police flag on the flag pole

        January 10, 2021, the first "Chinese People's Police Day" in New China. Here, I would like to express my warm congratulations to the establishment of the "Chinese People's Police Day", and pay high tribute and festival to the people's police who are loyal, brave, and sacrificed. congratulate!


       On January 10, public security organs at all levels across the country held oath-raising ceremonies for raising the police flag to the police flag. Through media reports, we can see that no matter in the snow-capped north or the sunny south, the police officers are lined up neatly, with serious looks, majestic and solemn expressions, and in raising the flag and taking the oath, they show the people's police in the new era. mission and responsibility.






       The establishment of the People's Police Day is a pioneering initiative since the founding of New China, and raising the police flag is also a historic initiative. We have also noticed that there are different versions of the police flag raising ceremony in various places today, which can be mainly summarized into three types: one is the mode of raising the national flag and raising the police flag, the other is the mode of raising the national flag and displaying the police flag, and the third is the mode of raising the national flag and displaying the police flag. Raise the flag mode.



       Usually, there are flag poles in front of the main buildings of public security organs at all levels. Some units raise police flags. In particular, police flag poles are added next to the flag poles. In this way, not only the requirements for raising the flag on the first police festival are completed, but also in the future daily flag raising. , and can also complete the requirements of raising the national flag and raising the police flag. In this way, it should be noted that according to the requirements of the National Flag Law, the flagpole should be correspondingly higher than the police flagpole when it is established.




       The mode of raising the national flag and displaying the police flag highlights the status and dignity of the national flag. The People's Police of the People's Republic of China defends the image of the Republic and the interests of the people. . Only when the people's police have the national flag awareness will they have the police flag awareness.



       The third mode of raising the police flag on the flagpole is inappropriate. Although January 10 is a Sunday, according to relevant regulations, authorities and units may not raise the national flag on a rest day, but the flag pole is the national flag pole, which has its own exclusiveness.

       Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the flag-raising ceremony in the minds of the people refers exclusively to the flag-raising ceremony. Therefore, other flags other than the raising of the national flag are pioneering and innovative. Here, we also draw the attention of relevant institutions and units. When planning other flag raising activities, we must do a good job in investigation and research, learn the flag culture, and formulate detailed and clear raising of flags. Other flag ceremony specifications. Because the foundation of the flag is image, belief, and politics, the flag-raising ceremony is a sacred ceremony under the sunlight, the people are watching.


Chinese Flag Scholar: Zhao Xinfeng

January 10, 2021 in Beijing


The picture comes from the Internet

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