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Are you still raising the national flag with bamboo sticks?

       In August 2021, after the national flag was hoisted at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games, I wrote in an article that this will not happen in the Chinese Olympics because we use the standard flagpole. Some readers left a message in the comment area: What is the standard flagpole? In many places, the flag is still tied to a wooden stick.


       In my impression, raising the national flag with bamboo poles and wooden sticks is a common practice in the last century. As mentioned in the video, some municipal governments also raise the national flag with wooden sticks + "horse tie" in front of the gate. Entering the 21st century, with the publicity and popularization of the national flag, the French national flag knowledge tour, especially the revolutionary leading demonstration of the Beijing Olympic Games and the national school flag-raiser exchange and display activities, the standard flagpoles in work units and schools in metropolitan areas have basically replaced bamboo poles. wooden stick.




       Entering a new era, after President Xi Jinping signed the newly revised "National Flag Law of the People's Republic of China" announced by the President's decree and came into effect in 2021, the flag-raising ceremonies of various units and schools have become increasingly standardized. In the videos and pictures during this year's National Day, we only found that the upgraded stainless steel flagpoles of some units are still not standardized. It is common that the flagpole is long and the flag is short, and the flag is "wearing shorts". It is rare to see the flag raised with a wooden stick. However, some readers left a message that it should be the wooden stick raising the flag in some places.



       Shenzhou Dadi is about to usher in the New Year's Day in 2022, opening a new New Year's scene. Please also ask the leaders of each unit to raise your head and open your bright eyes to see if your unit's flag pole still "wears shorts" for the national flag. , and even whether it is still the bamboo poles and wooden sticks reflected by the readers. If so, please use the standard flagpole to raise the national flag.   

   Chinese Flag Scholar Zhao 
   Xinfeng December 29, 2021 Beijing

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