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Japanese flag hoisted at Tokyo Paralympics opening ceremony

       The Tokyo Olympics and the Tokyo Paralympics held in difficult times will make the world look at it with more normality. However, the fluttering moths that appeared in the five-ring logo on the podium of the closing ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games made the moths continue to follow. The paint on the surface of the gold medal of the Tokyo Olympic champion has not subsided. At the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games on the evening of August 24, the flag-raiser raised the Japanese flag again. Fortunately, after it was discovered later, the flag-raiser lowered the national flag in time and carried out the righteousness, and because there was no audience at the scene, the impact of the lowering of the flag was minimized.

       The Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics can be held resolutely despite the opposition and the haze of the epidemic, which is of extraordinary positive significance. The organizational work during the epidemic is even more of a huge challenge for the host city. In addition, there are important reforms in this Olympic Games, such as officials directly handing out medals to the winning athletes, adding awards and flag-raising links at the closing ceremony. Therefore, the gains and losses of its organizational work will also be used for later large-scale international sports events such as the Beijing Winter Olympics. for reference and inspiration.


       Regarding the raising of the national flag at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympic Games, there are three main revelations. The first is to strengthen the psychological quality of the flag-raiser on the spot: the core of the incident of hanging the anti-flag and raising the national flag is that the flag-raiser did not control it well on the spot. Therefore, the professional selection and special training of flag-raisers are very important, and long-term professional training is required to be competent. The second is to simplify the science of the flag-raising device: after successful practice such as the Beijing Olympics, the standard flagpoles currently used in my country are hooks on the top and locks on the bottom (of course, there are bamboo poles in remote areas, which is another matter). No matter how nervous the hands are on the scene, the national flag will not be upside down, because if it is upside down, it cannot be hung, and if it cannot be hung up, of course there is no problem of it being raised upside down. The international way of hanging the flag is that the flag has the same hanging ring on the top and bottom, and there is no upper and lower distinguishing mark on the hanging ring. It is easy to hang the national flag upside down in a tense atmosphere. The third is the accuracy of flag raising. From the TV screen, we can see that the adjusted Japanese flag still has not been raised to the top of the flagpole, and there is a significant height difference with the Paralympic flag.


       The solemn flag-raising ceremony seems to be very simple to operate, but to achieve the goal of zero mistakes, it must be supported by system work such as flag-raising design, flag-raising training, flag-raising team, flagpole equipment, national flag equipment, flag-raising method, and flag-raising management. , Weak one will not work. A matter of national dignity and international image, the flag-raising ceremony is no trivial matter.

Zhao Xinfeng, a Chinese flag scholar

August 25, 2021 Beijing

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