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The 25th International Congress of Vexillology

    25th International Congress of Vexillology was held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands from August 4 to 10, 2013. More than 100 representatives from China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, France, and Germany participated in the conference, and 35 were invited to the conference. Scholars made a report, and for the first time, Chinese scholars appeared on the rostrum of the flag-studies conference, and for the first time there was a report in Chinese at the conference hall.

  late Chinese scholar 

       As far as the time of participation is concerned, Chinese scholars are late delegates, and no Chinese scholars have participated in the previous 24th Congress. There are three official representatives and one accompanying person from China in this conference. They are Han Buxin, Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Psychological Society and doctoral supervisor, Zhao Xinfeng, founder of China National Flag Network and director of Beijing Xinfeng Banner Cultural Communication Center, and Thirteen Lines of Guangzhou University. Dr. Fei Sheng from the Research Center and his accompanying wife, Li Linna, a researcher at the Nanyuewang Museum in Guangzhou. As early as three years ago, Lin Dong, a British Chinese who has participated in two banner studies conferences, found Zhao Xinfeng through China National Flag Network and introduced the situation of the conference. After preparations, Zhao Xinfeng invited Han Buxin to attend the conference. They submitted papers to the conference and were invited to publish papers at the conference.

2013 The 25th World Congress of Philosophy in the Netherlands.jpg

  Zhao Xinfeng told the world in Chinese: China is the first country to use the national flag 

       Although Chinese scholars were late, Zhao Xinfeng told the world in Chinese that the national flag first originated in China.

       For a long time, there has been an international consensus that the flag originated in Denmark: in the battle of Lundanis, the Danish army was in trouble. Suddenly, a red flag with a white cross descended from the sky, accompanied by a loud voice: "Grab this flag is victory!" Encouraged by this flag, the Dan army fought bravely and turned defeat into victory. Since then, the white cross and red flag has become the national flag of the Kingdom of Denmark.

        A flag that fell from the sky became the national flag of Denmark, a "hard" Western myth, which some scholars, including China, worshipped and recited.

       When preparing the conference papers, Zhao Xinfeng consulted a large number of ancient books and documents: the "flag" of oracle bone inscriptions and the regulations on the national flag in "Zhou Li" all gave him inspiration and confidence. According to historical data, the first point of Zhao Xinfeng's conference paper is: China is the country with the earliest origin of flag culture in the world, and the flag was first born in China in the eleventh century BC.

       In the report, he also told the delegates about the long-standing Chinese flag culture. Banner is a word today, but in ancient China, flags and flags had different shapes and interpretations. In particular, flags are more prominent than flags for their individual identification functions. Since the flag is the subordination and development of the flag, it usually appears at the same time as the flag, so the term flag came into being later.

       Introduce the development and prospect of today's Chinese flag culture to the world 

       As the only banner culture dissemination organization in China, Beijing Xinfeng Banner Culture Dissemination Center was established in 2001. It has successively designed and trained flag raising ceremonies for the Beijing Olympic Games and the Hong Kong East Asian Games. In 2010, a new flagpole was built at Tiankai Temple in Beijing, and the ceremony of raising the flag was integrated into Buddhist rituals, which played an exemplary role. At the end of the speech, Zhao Xinfeng put forward the idea of ​​establishing the World Banner Academy to the delegates of the conference, and put forward an application for the World Banner Science Conference to be held in China as soon as possible.

Thesis title of the 25th Ph.D. Fei Sheng: The Study of Vexillology in China

       At the 27th World Congress of Philosophy, Zhao Xinfeng formally submitted a written application to the chairman and secretary-general of the Congress: Bidding for the World Congress of Philosophy to be held in Beijing

       The one-week 27th World Congress of Philosophy concluded in London on August 11, 2017. More than 100 flag scholars from 32 countries around the world participated in the Congress. A total of 46 speeches on banner science were arranged at the conference. Zhao Xinfeng, the founder of China National Flag Network, gave a speech at the closing ceremony. The flag of Genghis Khan in 2017 is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the World Banner Science Alliance, which coincides with the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The 13th Conference of the Parties to the Convention will be held in Ordos, and the speech by the flag of Genghis Khan is of great significance. Zhao Xinfeng visited the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan twice this year and determined the clear theme of his speech, the banner of Genghis Khan.

        On August 7, when the Conference on Banner Science opened, scholars from all over the world were full of expectations for this speech and asked relevant questions one after another. On the afternoon of the 11th, Zhao Xinfeng gave a closing speech dressed in Chinese clothes, spreading the Chinese flag culture to the world, and international publicity on the history and culture of Genghis Khan in Ordos, which aroused active interaction among the participating scholars. In response to the previous speeches by foreign scholars on the way of holding flags in Western countries, Zhao Xinfeng, the chief instructor of the national flag-raiser, gave a Chinese-style flag-holding exhibition at the beginning of the speech. The closing dinner was warm. The speeches expressed congratulations.

       Malcolm, the chairman of the British Organizing Committee of the conference, had a friendly exchange with Zhao Xinfeng. He said that he had witnessed the British from being strong to declining, and wished Beijing to host an excellent banner science conference. Chakrabarti, an Indian scholar, sincerely told Zhao Xinfeng that he was 72 years old and wanted to live in good health. And expressed the hope that China and India will be united and peaceful, not war. Australian flag scholar Anthony still remembered Zhao Xinfeng's speech at the Olympic Flag Raising Ceremony at the 2015 Sydney Flag Science Conference, and asked Zhao Xinfeng about professional issues such as flag-hoisting methods.

       At the closing dinner, the flags of the 27th World Congress of Chinology will be held in Texas, USA in 2019.

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