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New Era Sports needs to correct the mistake of "handing the flag to the sprinter"


       On November 18, 2018, the "Running China" Marathon Series-Suzhou Taihu Marathon was held in a rainy day. The most critical sprint stage, when the Chinese runners and Ethiopian runners competed for the championship and runner-up, was greeted by volunteers who entered the race. Dao forced the national flag to interfere twice, and the Chinese player won the runner-up with a difference of 5 seconds.

       Because it involves the national flag, the matter has aroused strong discussions in the community. On November 20, the China Volunteers Association clarified that "the relevant parties in the event shirk their responsibility for volunteer management and damage the reputation of the volunteers; there are no bad volunteers, only bad managers." The operator of Suma said: "The incident of 'handing over the national flag' at the Suzhou Taihu Marathon on the 18th was a courtesy to the Chinese runners and was an 'inadvertent fault'.

       In the organization of large-scale events, because of complex factors such as a wide range of participants and a large number of participants, it is inevitable that unexpected mistakes will occur in the "hundred secrets and one sparse". This is normal. If it is not human factors, ordinary people can correctly understand it. But no matter which organizer or manager, the decision to distract the sprinter and change the rhythm of the movement pattern is wrong.

       The right and wrong of this matter is clear at a glance. At the most critical moment of the final sprint of the players in sports competitions, arranging anyone to enter the track to approach the players is disruptive and disruptive. Any items that are forcibly handed to the players, including national flags and gold medals, are disruptive behaviors. Professional event organizers, especially those with experience in major international sports competitions, will provide players with a safe competition environment and race track guarantee to ensure that players are dedicated, do their best to sprint, and finally achieve the best results. If someone suddenly handed a national flag to a contestant who was engrossed in raising his gun in the exciting shooting final, and someone handed the national flag to a run-up in the gymnastics final, this is not a patriotic act, but a major event organization accident.

       The national flag is closely related to sports. Raising the national flag and singing the national anthem is the highest pursuit of athletes and the greatest expectation of TV audiences. As a rule and common sense, in major international sports competitions, the athletes finally win the competition, stand on the top podium, raise the national flag, and sing the national anthem, and then wave the national flag in their hands to express their patriotic feelings and celebrate and honor the country. No athlete would celebrate in advance by waving the flag out of tune during a tense, breathless sprint with unknown outcome. In the same way, the astronauts successfully displayed the national flag when they successfully entered the space travel. No astronaut would give up the operation work to wave the national flag during the launch.

       Now that China has entered a new era, the starting gun of "accelerating the construction of a sports power" has been fired. Sports workers and event managers should draw inferences from one case to another, understand sportsmanship from the perspective of building a strong sports, have the courage to constantly correct wrong habits and practices that are incompatible with the new era, abide by sports rules, strictly manage events, and pay special attention to standardizing the national flag. The occasion and timing of the use of the game will essentially correct those pseudo-patriotic actions that violate the competition rules, and the wrong behavior like "handing the national flag to the sprinter" can no longer occur.

       Running in the "name of China", we must standardize the good deeds, live up to China's prestige, be upright, bright and healthy, show the sports style of a major country in the new era, and add points to China and the five-star red flag with a standardized and scientific event organization. Add color.

              Chinese Flag Scholar: Zhao Xinfeng

                   November 21, 2018

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