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Clear! Chinese villains who insulted the national flag during the war epidemic



       A new crown epidemic that has swept the world has tested the response measures and efficiency of countries around the world, and it has also revealed the ugliness of the world. As the situation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hubei improved, the heroic medical team began to withdraw in an orderly manner. At this critical moment when the forces of good and evil are changing and changing, there are villains who can't see the prosperity of Guotai, the people, and the peace and prosperity. Poison painting" national flag, and writing "Made in China", "MADE IN CHINA".


        It was disclosed that the person's name was Liu Yunjie, and the official said he was the "Deputy Principal of the Chinese Viola of the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra". On March 17, the Symphony Orchestra Alliance of the Chinese Musicians Association issued a statement expressing great indignation and strong condemnation of its words and deeds.


      What makes people even more indignant than the Danes tampering with the national flag is that a Chinese violin player who grew up under the red flag, studied under the red flag, and once held a concert in my country and served as the instructor of a certain orchestra, is in danger in the motherland. Instead of donating money and materials to China's war epidemic like the patriotic Chinese and overseas Chinese, they pulled out an upgraded version that was more than smearing and slandering China's image, and even followed the Danish painter's ugliness. The new owner of the virus is not flattering and blatantly "poisonously painted" the national flag on social media. What is even more outrageous is that the poisonous painting is the big five stars that play a role in cohesion and unity. Its behavior and nature are rarely seen by traitors and traitors. The hostile intention of maliciously attacking the dignity of China's country is manifested, and the image of poisoning the motherland is despicable and flattering to the new owner. The meaning of the wagging tail is pitiful. As the so-called southern orange and northern citrus, such emerging virus people who have milk are mothers, recognize food but do not recognize their ancestors, and beg for food in a poisonous country, there is no room for survival in a country that is just and conscience, loyal and filial to the country, and can only live in the ugly state of the capitalist country that only seeks profit. all present.

       Courtesy, righteousness, honor, family and country are the souls of Chinese intellectuals in all dynasties. The national hero Wen Tianxiang was imprisoned by Yuan for more than three years. Kublai Khan, the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, personally persuaded him to surrender.


       The artists and masters beloved by the Chinese people also have strong patriotic sentiments. When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Mei Lanfang was at the peak of his career. He was not afraid of the temptation and coercion of the Japanese invaders, and he did not pretend to be peaceful. Feng Zikai once praised Mei Lanfang and said, "In the vast history, how many actresses have lost their jobs for the sake of patriotism?


         After the Japanese invaded the three eastern provinces, Qi Baishi did not paint for the Japanese, but closed his door to thank guests. He personally wrote "Qi Baishi is dead" and rejected the Japanese's letter of appointment, and wrote "If you live a long life, you will be ashamed of being a thief, and you will not be ashamed of Chang'an as a starving glutton." "The verses show that it is better to starve to death than to please the backbone of the Japanese invaders.


       In 1948, in order to oppose the US government's policy of supporting Japan, more than 100 professors from Peiping University, including Zhu Ziqing, Jin Yuelin, Zhang Xiruo, Wu Han, jointly issued the "Declaration of Refusal to Receive Flour": "In order to express the dignity and integrity of the Chinese people, we categorically Reject all alms supplies that mold has the nature of buying the soul, whether it is purchased or given. The following colleagues refuse to buy mold-aided cheap flour, and unanimously return the purchase certificate, hereby declare." It was praised by Chairman Mao as "the flag of overseas Chinese and the glory of the nation" Mr. Tan Kah Kee, who organized and led the Nanyang Overseas Chinese Relief Association for the Motherland Refugees during the Anti-Japanese War, made great contributions to the Anti-Japanese War of the motherland. In response to the surrender argument of Wang Jingwei's peace talks, Yi Ran issued the famous proposal "Before the enemy leaves the country, make peace and become a traitor". In 1949, Mr. Tan Kah Kee was invited by Chairman Mao to attend the preparatory meeting of the New Political Consultative Conference and served as a standing committee member. He also participated in the design of the new Chinese national flag and the selection of the national anthem and the national emblem.


       Entering a new era and realizing the Chinese dream, patriotism is an inevitable spiritual force. The prevention and control of the spread of the new virus that maliciously damages the image of the national flag and national dignity should also arouse the relevant departments to pay special attention to vigilance. It is even more necessary to draw inferences from one case to another, thoroughly study and implement the "Outline for the Implementation of Patriotism Education in the New Era", and live up to the expectations of the party and the people. The prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation tend to cultivate latecomers and successors who are honest, honorable, and virtuous.

Zhao Xinfeng March 19, 2020 Beijing (level ten wind)

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