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The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Regulations on the Party Emblem and Flag of the Communist Party of China"


 Regulations on the Party Emblem and Flag of the Communist Party of China

(The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 17, 2021 reviewed and approved the release of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 26, 2021)

  Article 1 In order to standardize the production, use, and management of party emblems and flags, give full play to the political functions of party emblems and flags, enhance the party's cohesion and combat effectiveness, stimulate party members' awareness of the party, and inspire the whole party to not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, strengthen ideals and beliefs, and lead in unity Under the banner of the Party, the people of all ethnic groups in the country are marching forward bravely, and in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, these regulations are formulated.

  Article 2 The emblem of the Communist Party of China is a pattern consisting of a sickle and a hammer. The Communist Party of China flag is a red flag with a golden-yellow party emblem.

  The party emblem and the party flag indicate that the Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, as well as the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. A Marxist party with lofty ideals and unremitting struggle.

  Article 3 The party emblem and flag of the Communist Party of China is the symbol and symbol of the Communist Party of China.

  Party organizations at all levels and every Party member must maintain the dignity of the Party emblem and flag.

  Article 4 The production, use and management of party emblems and flags must adhere to unified standards and norms, and adhere to hierarchical responsibility and centralized management.

  Article 5 The general dimensions of the diameter of the party emblem are the following three:

  (1) 100 cm;

  (2) 80 cm;

  (3) 60 cm.

  If it is necessary to hang a party emblem of a non-universal scale, it should be appropriately enlarged or reduced in proportion to the general scale to suit the hanging background and occasion.

  The party emblem pattern generally uses golden yellow or red.

  Article 6 The party emblem or party emblem pattern shall be used in the following situations:

  (1) Convening the party's national congress, representative meeting and local congresses and representative meetings at all levels, hanging the party emblem in a prominent position, and placing five red flags on both sides of the party emblem;

  (2) Hold plenary meetings of the party's central and local committees, and hang the party emblem in a prominent position;

  (3) Seals (imprints) of the Party's central and local committees and their working departments, representative offices and their working departments dispatched by the Party's central and local committees in specific regions, the Party's discipline inspection organs, Party groups, and Party grassroots organizations , with the party emblem pattern engraved in the middle.

  Article 7 The Party's grass-roots committees convene a Party member meeting or a Party member representative meeting, and may hang the Party emblem as needed.

  The party emblem can be used in the following situations:

  (1) Certificates, signs, etc. used for important intra-party meetings and important activities;

  (2) Medals, badges, certificates of merit, certificates and other honorary documents and certificates issued by Party organizations at all levels, and relevant work certificates produced;

  (3) Important publications and publicity materials within the Party;

  (4) Online websites of Party organizations at all levels;

  (5) Party member education bases, party member vanguard posts, party building propaganda boards (walls), and party-mass service centers, party member activity rooms and other grass-roots party organization activity venues;

  (6) To carry out the party's foreign exchange activities.

  Article 8 The general standards of party flags are as follows:

  (1) Length 288 cm and width 192 cm;

  (2) 240 cm long and 160 cm wide;

  (3) 192 cm long and 128 cm wide;

  (4) 144 cm long and 96 cm wide;

  (5) 96 cm long and 64 cm wide.

  Where it is necessary to use a party flag of a non-universal scale on a specific occasion, it should be appropriately enlarged or reduced in proportion to the general scale.

  Article 9 The party flag shall be used in the following situations:

  (1) Hold a swearing-in ceremony for new party members to join the party, and organize party members to review the oath of joining the party;

  (2) Holding major celebrations and commemorative activities within the party;

  (3) Party central and local committees and their working departments, representative offices and their working departments dispatched by the Party central and local committees in specific regions, Party discipline inspection organs, and meeting rooms of Party groups.

  Article 10 The party flag may be used in the following situations:

  (1) To convene a general meeting of party members and a grass-roots party congress;

  (2) The party's grass-roots organizations carry out themed party days;

  (3) Party member education bases, party member vanguard posts, and party-mass service centers, party member activity rooms and other grass-roots party organization activity venues;

  (4) Party organization positions, Party member commandos, etc. in important work, key projects, emergency rescue and disaster relief, and the front line of the fight against the epidemic;

  (5) To carry out the party's foreign exchange activities.

  In addition to the above situations, the party flag pattern can be used in general with reference to the party emblem pattern.

  Article 11 Where it is necessary to hang the party flag and other flags at the same time under special circumstances, the party flag shall be placed in the primary position.

  Article 12 If a party emblem and a party flag of a non-universal scale are produced, and the party emblem and party flag and its patterns are used outside the prescribed circumstances, it shall be reported to the organization department of the party committee at or above the county level for approval.

  Article 13 Party emblems and flags and their designs shall not be used for:

  (1) Trademarks, patented designs and commercial advertisements;

  (2) private activities;

  (3) Markers of private places and personal cyberspace;

  (4) Personal daily necessities and the furnishings of daily life;

  (5) Other inappropriate places, situations and environments.

  Article 14 No words, symbols and patterns shall be added to the party emblem and the party flag, any damaged, defaced or faded party emblem or party flag shall not be used, and any party emblem or party flag that does not conform to the instructions of the law attached to these regulations shall not be used. The party emblem and the party flag shall not be hung upside down, inserted upside down, or raised or used in other ways that detract from the dignity of the party emblem and the party flag.

  Party emblems and flags shall not be discarded at will. Party emblems and flags that are damaged, defaced, faded, marked with words and symbols, etc. that do not meet the requirements for production and use, shall be recovered and disposed of in accordance with regulations. After major celebrations and commemorative activities are held within the party, according to the principle of whoever issues it, whoever is responsible, the relevant units shall take back or properly dispose of the party emblem and party flag used at the event site.

  Article 15 After the death of a party member, with the consent of the grass-roots party committee with the relevant approval authority of the unit where the party member's organizational relationship is located, the party flag may be covered on the body or the urn, but the party flag shall not touch the ground, shall not be cremated with the body, and shall not be buried with the urn. .

  Article 16 The use of party emblems and flags on the Internet, publications, etc., should be placed in a prominent position.

  The standard version of the party emblem and flag pattern used on the Internet, publications, etc., is published on the Communist Party Member Network and the Communist Party of China News Network.

  Article 17 The knowledge of the party emblem and the party flag shall be an important part of the party history study and education, party member education and training, and party activist training.

  Party organizations at all levels should educate party members, Communist Youth League members, Young Pioneers and the masses to understand the history and spiritual connotation of the party emblem and the party flag, consciously standardize the use of the party emblem and the party flag and its patterns, and respect and care for the party emblem and the party flag.

  All news and publishing units should strengthen the publicity of the party emblem and the party flag knowledge, report and use news and pictures that contain standardized party emblem and party flag designs, and maintain the party's image.

  Article 18 The party emblem and the party flag are made in accordance with the instructions for making the party emblem and party flag of the Communist Party of China attached to these regulations. The production enterprise is determined by the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) among the enterprises with production qualifications. No unit or individual may make party emblems and flags without approval.

  Article 19 Party emblems and flags should be distributed in a centralized manner in principle, so that one party committee has one party emblem and one branch has one party flag, and the required funds can be listed from the party fees.

  Article 20 Party organizations at all levels shall regard maintaining the dignity of the Party emblem and flag as a political task, and earnestly perform their main responsibilities. The organization department of the party committee at or above the county level shall perform the supervision and management responsibility for the work of the party emblem and party flag in the local unit and system, and strengthen the supervision and management of the production, sales and commercial use of the party emblem and party flag in conjunction with the market supervision and management department.

  For enterprises and individuals that illegally produce and sell party emblem and party flag products, they should criticize and educate the use of party emblems and party flags and their designs in violation of these regulations, and correct them in a timely manner. The crime is dealt with according to law.

  Article 21 The Central Military Commission may formulate relevant regulations in accordance with these Regulations.

  Article 22 Party member badges are the identification signs of Party members, and their production, use, and management shall be stipulated separately.

  Article 23 The Central Organization Department is responsible for the interpretation of these regulations.

  Article 24 These Regulations shall come into force on the date of promulgation. If the regulations on party emblems and flags issued earlier are inconsistent with these regulations, they shall be implemented in accordance with these regulations.

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