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A global call for flag-science papers


Call for Papers for the 30th Beijing International Congress of Vexillology

The Chinese flag civilization is a unique form of civilization that was established earliest and has been continuously inherited through dynasties according to the ritual system. It is widely applied in various aspects such as imperial ceremonies, royal processions, military operations, religious rituals, folk blessings, theater stages, and taverns. Flags are a common language for humanity, and as times change, countries around the world have rich innovations and creations in flag culture, flag design, flag production, and flag usage. In 1965, Western flag scholars pioneered the International Congress of Vexillology (ICV) in Muiden, the Netherlands, initiating the academic study of flag culture. After nearly 60 years of development, the 30th International Congress of Vexillology will be held in Beijing, China in August 2024. This is the first time the International Congress of Vexillology is to be held in Asia since its establishment, providing a historic opportunity to enhance the international dissemination of Chinese flag civilization and deepen the exchange and mutual learning of world flag civilization. 

The world is filled with complex and turbulent situations, but academic and cultural exchange are still prevalent. In order to let the Chinese people understand the academic achievements of the world and to let the world understand the vast and magnificent cultural heritage of China, we aim to fully showcase the treasures of both Eastern and Western, ancient and modern flag civilizations. We seek to expand the community of researchers and enthusiasts in the field of flag studies, enhance the overall level of research and dissemination of flag studies globally, and promote the comprehensive sharing of flag wisdom in human society. This will lay an academic and theoretical foundation for the development of China's flag cultural industry. Beijing Xinfeng Banner Cultural Communication Center extends an invitation to scholars from more than 50 countries and over 70 international flag organizations affiliated with the International Federation of Vexillological Associations (FIAV). We also welcome contributions from Chinese flag scholars, enthusiasts, and flag raisers, to together write the Beijing chapter of the world's flag culture.

1、Purpose of Collection

Following academic principles and international rules;

Letthe world know about the Chinese civilization represented by the national flag;

Let China understand the academic study of world flags.

2、Requirements for Submissions

In accordance with China's national conditions and regulations, and conforming to the mainstream public aesthetics, following the rules and conventions of previous World Congresses of Vexillology, and adhering to academic principles and laws. The paper must be supported by

historical materials, ancient books, archives, cultural relics, official announcements, and other academic literature, with the original source indicated. The paper should be the original work of the author, and plagiarism and infringement are strictly prohibited. The author takes full responsibility for the content.

3、Theme collection

The 30th Beijing International Congress of Vexillology introduced themed categorization for the first time, with submission topics limited to 20 major categories.

(1) National Flags: Flags of various countries, presidential flags, flags of special administrative regions, flags of provinces and counties

(2) Political Party Flags: Flags of major political parties in sovereign countries, flags of political organizations, flags of youth groups.

(3) Royal Flags: Ancient royal flags, modern royal flags, flag etiquette.

(4) Military Flags: Ancient military flags, modern military flags, flag etiquette.

(5) Religious Customs: Flags and etiquette of major religions around the world, distinctive flags and banners of folk customs.

(6) Flag Regulations: Flag laws and regulations of various countries, flags used by police and other law enforcement agencies.

(7) Flag Education: Flag education policies and successful case studies from different countries.

(8) Sports Flags: Flags and etiquette used in major sports events such as the Olympics, Youth Olympics, inter-state sports events, and international competitions.

(9) Drama Banner: Inheritable drama and opera banners, knowledge of drama banners, classic drama works of the banner

(10) Poetry Couplet: Classical poetry and couplets, modern poetry and newly created theme poems and couplets of the banner, etc.

(11) Music and Film: Theme songs, music, and film works of the banner

(12) Calligraphy and Seal Engraving: Banners in ancient paintings, murals, and crafts; banners in modern paintings; banners in ancient seal engraving and calligraphy; banners in calligraphy and seal engraving by contemporary masters, etc.

(13) Stories of Figures: Uplifting figures, historical figures with significant contributions and outstanding influence, and stories associated with the banner.

(14) Communication Flags: Ancient flag communication, modern flag communication, flags of modern communication industry companies.

(15) Shipping Flags: River transportation, canal transportation, maritime transportation, maritime flag etiquette.

(16) Public Welfare Flags: Flags of world-renowned public welfare organizations and institutions.

(17) Flag Supplies: Fabric, craftsmanship, styles, and innovative technologies in flag production.

(18) Flagpole Products: Materials, craftsmanship, categories, and innovative technologies in flagpole manufacturing.

(19) Wine and Tea Flags: Historical wine flags and tea flags, historical changes in wine and tea flags, flags of well-known domestic and foreign wine and tea companies.

(20) Flag Historical Materials: Valuable flags, artifacts, historical documents, paintings, handicrafts, and artworks related to various themes from different times and regions should be submitted in the form of pictures or videos. After the preliminary selection, participants will be invited to exhibit their submissions in cultural events, either in physical or graphic form.

4、Collection time

(1)prequalification of abstracts

Please submit a brief introduction including the author's country, city, name, affiliation, title, position, main achievements, and contact information by March 30, 2024. The introduction should be within 300 words. Additionally, please provide a paper title and abstract within 100

words, to be submitted in a Word document or a convertible format to the designated email address. Once the prequalification is passed, you will be notified to submit the formal paper.

(2)Formal Essay

Please submit a formal paper of no more than 3000 words by June 15, 2024. The paper should include a title, abstract, keywords, references, acknowledgments, and author's biography. Please submit the formal paper in both Word document and PowerPoint format. For the

presentation, please use the provided PPT template, which allows the inclusion of images or short videos.

5、Thesis Presentation

Once a formal paper is submitted, it cannot be changed. The organizing committee will arrange the presentation of the paper during the opening ceremony, closing ceremony, or different themed lectures, depending on the content of the paper. Each presentation will last for 20 minutes, including a Q&A session. Some exceptional papers may be selected for presentation in the flag culture activities.

6、Academic achievements

The selected formal papers will be edited and printed in English and Chinese and are available free of charge to authors. Beijing Xinfeng Banner Cultural Communication Center has the right to publish, exhibit, and promote the selected papers in various forms, with the author credited as the creator, without any remuneration.

7、Honors of Thesis

The selected formal papers will be reviewed for different awards based on their content.

the International Federation of Vexillology The ICV30 Organizing Committee will review and issue certificates and souvenirs.

8、Language of the paper

To avoid any omissions in translation by the organizing committee, we welcome authors submitting their articles in English to include a Chinese translation, and authors submitting in Chinese to include an English translation. The organizing committee will use this as a basis to

select and compile the conference papers for publication.

9、Previous papers

The author's own published papers, which still possess academic value and meet the purpose and requirements of ICV30, can be recommended for submission before March 30, 2024. Please indicate the original publication date, journal, and provide images of the published journal as well as a brief author biography. The organizing committee will arrange for keynote speeches or participation in cultural exchange activities based on the content of the paper.

10、According to the usual practice of previous sessions, all expenses of the selected speakers for the conference shall be borne by themselves. If there are any further matters, the organizing party will issue supplementary notices.

Email for submissions: ICV30@VIP.163.com

Contact person: Teacher Liu, Phone: 13601082782


Last : 30th Beijing World Flag Studies Conference Call for Entries (Class B, No. 1 to No. 4)

Next : Looking for you, add luster to the Chinese flag

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