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Today, we celebrate the birthday of the flag together

       On July 15, 1949, the People's Daily and other newspapers published the "Request for the National Flag and National Emblem Patterns and National Lyrics", which openly solicited the national symbols of New China for the whole world. As of the deadline, the Preparatory Committee has received a total of 2,992 national flag proposals. After careful selection by the national flag, national emblem and national anthem selection team, 38 proposals were finally selected. The revised five-star red flag plan was also selected, numbered "Fujizi No. 32", and the original description of the design draft was: the big star "represents the leadership of the Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army"; the four stars "represents the four-class alliance of new democracy". ; red "represents revolution and struggle"; yellow "represents China as a yellow race".

       On September 25, 1949, the National Capital Consultation Symposium on the Year of the National Flag, National Emblem, National Anthem and National Capital was held in Zhongnanhai. After fully listening to the opinions of all the CPPCC members to discuss the national flag plan in groups, Chairman Mao made a new explanation on the meaning of the five-star red flag: "The five-star red flag is this The pattern shows the great unity of our revolutionary people, and we need great unity now and in the future. Therefore, whether now or in the future, it is both unity and revolution." The participants applauded warmly and agreed with Chairman Mao's opinion.

       On September 26, 1949, the first meeting of the Review Committee for the National Flag, National Emblem, National Anthem and National Capital was held at the Beijing Hotel. Except for a few members who did not express their opinions, other members agreed that the national flag adopted the five-star red flag plan and revised the original design description of the five-star red flag.

       On September 27, 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference passed a resolution: The national flag of the People's Republic of China is the red flag with five stars and red ground, symbolizing the great unity of the Chinese revolutionary people. This day is also the birthday of the new Chinese flag. On October 1, 1949, at the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao personally pressed the button on the Tiananmen Gate to raise the first five-star red flag of New China.

       The five-star red flag is the symbol and symbol of the People's Republic of China, and every citizen and organization should respect and cherish the flag. Entering a new era, today, 72 years after the birth of the national flag, on September 27, 2021, we published a letter from Li Xiulan, a national flag volunteer and an ordinary citizen, calling on all Chinese people to celebrate the birthday of the national flag, consciously respect and care for the national flag, and work together. Add luster to the five-star red flag.


Zhao Xinfeng, a Chinese flag scholar

September 27, 2021 Beijing


On September 27, 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference passed the national flag resolution


On September 28, 1949, the People's Daily published the news that the national flag was determined


Five-star red flag designer Zeng Liansong and the original design


Attachment: Letter from National Flag Volunteer Li Xiulan




Fresh air!

              my wish

       On September 8, 1969, I was a junior high school student at Hujialou Middle School. In 1970, our school had the task of welcoming guests, and we often went to the capital airport to welcome guests. Some of our students held flowers made by the students themselves, some held foreign flags, and some held Chinese flags.

When welcoming guests at the Capital Airport, the teacher told us: We must protect the national flag in our hands. At that time, the small hand-held national flag was a small paper flag, which was particularly easy to be damaged. After the welcome, we lined up neatly and placed the national flags in our hands neatly in the paper books in order. When holding the flag, the flag should be above the stomach, and the flag should not be raised too high. About a foot above the head, shake the flag slowly, not too fast, never turn the flag upside down

       In 2000, Su Jingping, the host of the Beijing Radio Life Hotline program, invited Zhao Xinfeng, the national flag squad leader, to the live broadcast room to tell the audience the touching story of the national flag squad soldiers loving the national flag, which opened the prelude to actively publicize the national flag law and safeguard the dignity of the national flag.

       In April 2002, after watching a play at the Capital Theater, I was waiting for the bus at the West Exit of Dengshi City when I saw two small paper flags on the ground. How can I just throw away the national flag? I walked quickly to the small national flag that was discarded by the tourists, bent down and picked up two small national flags, and carefully placed them in my eco-friendly bag.

       Since then, he has embarked on the road of maintaining the dignity of the national flag and actively publicizing the national flag law. In 2004, I was invited by Zhao Xinfeng and Su Jingping to Beijing Radio Station to participate in a seminar on the spirit of the garden flag and became a glorious flag volunteer.

       Now that my teacher is 90 years old, she has forgotten where she came from? Where is she going? July 21 is her birthday, and the teacher said to me: "I don't have long to live." I realize that the job of upholding the dignity of the flag falls on the shoulders of my generation and the next.

       Our teacher Su Jingping passed away on April 19th. Wang Yongchen, Zhang Ling and I sent Mr. Su on the last journey. The moment Mr. Su lay in the car and flew away, I made up my mind to continue to do a good job in maintaining the dignity of the national flag.

       September 27, 1949, is the birthday of the five-star red flag. Seventy-two years later, I propose to celebrate the birthday of the five-star red flag and use the national flag correctly. Units that raise the national flag raise and lower the flag every day to ensure that the five-star red flag will always be bright.


September 24, 2021 night

National flag volunteer Li Xiulan


Li Xiulan and Ms. Su Jingping displayed the discarded hand she picked up and waved the flag at the National Flag Spirit Forum


Li Xiulan and other volunteers participated in the national flag seminar

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